Jessica Ward
Jessica trained at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and performed with their resident company, Transitions. After sustaining an injury, she pursued her other passion of teaching and taught dance in a number of schools and colleges as well as holding senior appointments in London secondary schools.
In 2010, Jessica took up the post of Principal at Elmhurst Ballet School. Over a decade later, along with her dedicated team, she has introduced ground-breaking initiatives to improve the lives of the young students, particularly in the areas of mental health and wellbeing, diversity, equality and inclusion.
Together with Elmhurst staff, she continues to reinforce the school’s ethos that talent is classless and ensures that funded places are available for students with the potential, regardless of their background. Recognising that many dancers enjoy a portfolio career, Jessica and her team have strengthened Elmhurst’s contemporary dance offer through building high-profile relationships with Studio Wayne McGregor, New Adventures, Rambert, and many other companies and guest artists.
She is the Chair of the National Music and Dance Scheme Schools’ head teachers group, a Team Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate and Ofsted have described her as a ‘highly effective leader’. She is committed to her own professional development and is member of Vistage, a peer advisory group for Chief Executives. Jessica will be working as the safeguarding lead for the New Adventures board as she joins the Board of Trustees.
She loves being mum to two young children and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels!