Act Two
The Road to Sweetieland
As the curtains rise for Act Two, they reveal a tired and beaten looking Clara, collapsed on the floor under a signpost – left to the Frozen Pond or right to Sweetieland. It appears Clara isn’t sure where to head to next. Then, as if by magic, a pair of cupids – resembling the twins from the orphanage – appear from out of the blue, seemingly to answer Clara’s pleas for help.
They conjure up a new dress for her and escort her in the direction of Sweetieland in the hope that she will be able to track down and win back her beloved Nutcracker.
As the Cupids and Clara head off together, Princess Sugar reappears with Nutcracker – who appears to be smitten with the affection that she is lavishing upon him. A rather downbeat Prince Bon-Bon follows on behind, carrying the ice-skates and reluctantly pandering to every one of his sister’s whims. It seems everyone is heading to Sweetieland – but who will get there first?

With Clara and the Cupids nowhere to be seen, the entrance to Sweetieland looms on the horizon and Princess Sugar and Nutcracker, with Prince Bon- Bon tailing behind, arrive full of excitement. As the double doors burst open King Sherbert and Queen Candy burst forth, rather delighted at the handsome specimen that Princess Sugar has brought home. After sizing him up and checking Nutcracker is to their liking, they give the Princess and her admirer their seal of approval before ushering the young couple and Prince Bon-Bon into their kingdom.

Just as the doors close behind them the Cupids reappear, hurrying Clara along with them. As Clara reaches the doors and starts to make her way into Sweetieland, she is repelled by the sudden re- entrance of the King & Queen with Princess Sugar and Nutcracker. She hides and watches in horror as she sees that Princess Sugar and Nutcracker seem to have fallen completely under one another’s spell and with the full agreement and encouragement of Princess Sugar’s rather odious yet powerful parents.
As the four of them head off into the giant mouth that forms the entrance to their sweetie-themed domain, Clara decides she has had enough and won’t fight for Nutcracker’s affections anymore. But, with some forceful insistence from the Cupids, Clara once more makes an approach to get inside. Yet, the doors fly open once again and this time she is stopped in her tracks by a large, and rather unflinching, doorman – the Humbug Bouncer – who blocks her every move.
As a steady stream of visitors to Sweetieland arrive and gain entrance, it becomes clear to Clara that without an invite she is going to struggle to get in. Firstly, the Allsorts Trio appear and Clara tries very hard to be accepted as one of them by joining in with their Spanish-flamenco inspired dances. Her plan seems to be working, but in the end – with no spare invite – it is only the Allsorts that can get past the doorman.

Next to arrive is the Knickerbocker Glory – a beguiling and bewitching performer who seems to mesmerise and enchant Clara with his sultry dance and his cigarette-smoke. Again, she dances with him in the hope of accompanying him through the doors but it becomes clear the Knickerbocker Glory has no intention of extending a plus-one to Clara as he waves his invite at her and disappears inside.
Undeterred, Clara spots a group of giggly girls and hopes that they will take her under their wing. The Marshmallow Girls giggle and gaggle and waggle their way around the stage, all laughter and bounce seemingly without any notice of anything other than themselves and one another. Clara hides herself among their ‘marshmallowy’ bodies and tries her best to sneak in unnoticed, but the Humbug Bouncer has spotted her and stands in her path as the Marshmallow Girls filter past her, invitations held aloft.
It seems Clara will never get into Sweetieland but, then arrives a group of loud mouth, high-energy, all-action sweets whose unruly behaviour provides the perfect distraction moment. As the Gobstoppers get into a fracas with each other, which the Humbug Bouncer attempts to break-up, Clara – guided by the Cupids – seizes her chance and rushes through the unguarded doors. She has finally made it to the confectionery kingdom.

Inside Sweetieland, Princess Sugar is in her element and surrounded by the adoring and fawning attentiveness of the Marshmallow Girls; who are fussing around her and hanging on her every move. Meanwhile, Prince Bon-Bon has spotted the Cupids and is intent on seeing them off. As he chases them away Clara hides out of sight.
Princess Sugar and Nutcracker embark on an intimate duet in preparation for their upcoming nuptials... complete with a ginormous wedding cake decorated from top-to-toe with all of the sweets. As the sweets mingle with King Sherbet, Queen Candy and Prince Bon-Bon in a giant getting-to-know you dance, Princess Sugar, Nutcracker and Clara are nowhere to be seen. In one giant ‘sugar rush’ that builds to a crescendo of licking and eating and tasting and having fun, the celebrations are truly underway.
Princess Sugar and Nutcracker reappear alone and clearly enjoying some quiet time after the chaos of having everyone around. The lights are dim and the music soft and it looks to be the last chance the happy couple will have to be alone together before they tie the knot – and they are seemingly more in love than ever.

But then, the Cupids reappear once more trying to win back Nutcracker’s attention so they can redirect it to the one person they know loves him more than anyone... Clara. Clara arrives just in time to see the Cupids’ fruitless efforts and to witness Princess Sugar and Nutcracker in a deep embrace – as the Cupids, exhausted by their endeavours – collapse to the floor.
In a matter of moments King Sherbet and Queen Candy, and the wedding guests arrive back on the scene and Princess Sugar and Nutcracker walk down the aisle together to the great excitement of family and friends. At the end of the ceremony the guests gather round to offer their congratulations before leaving Princess Sugar and Nutcracker alone once again. They embark on individual solos demonstrating their masculine and feminine energies to one another – but, just as the Princess finishes an impassioned dance for Nutcracker, Clara reappears. Prince Bon-Bon emerges from the other direction at just the same time and as Clara makes a beeline towards Nutcracker, he heads her off by grabbing her arms and dancing with her, as Princess Sugar and Nutcracker also join back together.

An interesting quartet ensues with the two pairs constantly switching partners back and forth. When Clara manages to dance with Nutcracker, he seems to be reminded of the love they once shared and becomes distracted from Princess Sugar. Yet, just as Clara makes a final ditch attempt to partner up with Nutcracker again, she is spun into the path of the Humbug Bouncer. He marches her off just as all of the sweets reappear to continue the festivities for the newlyweds.
Princess Sugar throws her wedding bouquet which is caught by a rather pleased and hopeful Prince Bon-Bon. The dancing and festivities build to another crescendo and it seems that there is no possibility of Clara and Nutcracker ever being reunited; but in the melee of people, suddenly we see that, seemingly out of nowhere, it is Clara that is once again partnered with Nutcracker. A furious and condescending Princess Sugar intervenes, and Nutcracker is headed off in the opposite direction to Clara.

The lights dim and we see that the dress that the Cupids gave to Clara has been replaced with her orphanage issue nightdress. The glitz and glamour of Sweetieland has evaporated and it seems that Clara is back at Dr Dross’s Orphanage for Waifs and Strays. Then, in Clara’s hand we spot her nutcracker doll... no longer an athletic life-size figure but the same motionless, inanimate object that she was given on Christmas Eve. Princess Sugar has disappeared too, and Clara is all alone. She throws the doll across the floor and hugs herself. Was it all a dream after all?
Clara also doubts herself and her ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. Disillusioned and feeling devastated that this was perhaps just a figment of her imagination, she goes to climb back into her bed. But, as she pulls back the covers, she is thrilled to find Nutcracker there. They embrace and kiss and use a series of bedsheets tied together to make a final escape from the orphanage to happiness.

Imagine that you are a reporter for a fictional publication and that you have interviewed one of the orphans from Dr Dross’s Orphanage for Waifs and Strays. You will interview them about what has been happening there, so that you can write a headline-hitting article about the terrible conditions that you and your fellow orphanages have been subjected to. Through your clever line of questioning your mission is to uncover secrets about them and the other people who work and reside at the orphanage; as well as to find out more about the visiting Governors. Deliver your ‘exclusive scoop’ in a 500-word article aimed at your preferred readership.
Nutcracker! – perhaps more than any other of Matthew Bourne’s creations – is enjoyed by people of all ages and remains a firm family-favourite. Why do you think it appeals to young and old alike? Create a series of promotional posters designed for different age groups – focus your marketing material on the following potential audience members:
A 6-year old
A 16-year old
A 36-year old
A 66-year old
For further development, create a 60-second elevator pitch (a spoken-word marketing spiel) to further promote the show to each of these age groups
Nutcracker! Behind The Scenes